Building Strong Foundations: 7 Steps to Naturally Raise Healthy Kids

1. Start with the Foundation

To kick off our guide, we need to emphasize a vital element that we consider the "Number One Missing Link" in the pursuit of raising healthy kids naturally. Its significance cannot be overstated, as it is often overlooked in most natural health resources such as books, blogs, and guides. Neglecting this crucial factor significantly diminishes the effectiveness of the other six steps in enhancing your child's well-being.

At the heart of this missing link lies the central nervous system🧠, which is comprised of the brain and the spinal cord, and is protected by the spinal column. Think of the central nervous system as the conductor of the body's orchestra, orchestrating and coordinating the symphony of bodily functions. Just as a conductor ensures harmony 🎢 and synchronization among musicians, the central nervous system regulates and controls various bodily systems, including digestion, immunity, movement, hormones, and more. If the central nervous system isn't functioning optimally, it directly impacts the performance of these interconnected systems.

In our clinic, we frequently come across new pediatric patients whose parents go to great lengths to provide them with organic, wholesome foods, supplements, adequate sleep, physical activity, and even explore detoxification and other therapies to support their child's health 🌟. However, despite these proactive efforts, many of these children continue to grapple with chronic ear infections, allergies, asthma, eczema, sensory challenges, behavioral and emotional regulation difficulties, and more.

What is the underlying reason behind these persistent challenges? It stems from overlooking a foundational aspect. When a child's nervous system is suboptimal and consistently stuck in a state of fight-or-flight response, it not only impairs the proper functioning of basic bodily processes, as discussed below, but it also increases the likelihood of experiencing setbacks in neurodevelopmental milestones. Consequently, this can lead to sensory issues, developmental disorders, behavioral problems, and emotional challenges down the road.

Therefore, it is crucial to recognize that the central nervous system serves as the key πŸ”‘ influencer and regulator of a child's overall well-being. By acknowledging and addressing the critical role of the nervous system, we can establish a solid foundation for promoting the natural health and development of children.

2. Movement Matters

Continuing our journey to raise healthy kids πŸ’ͺ naturally, the second key step closely follows the foundation of the nervous system. In fact, it works hand in hand with it, both symbolically and literally. The movement of your child's motor system and muscles isn't just essential for their physical development; there's an equally critical aspect that often goes unnoticedβ€”the movement within their digestive, respiratory, and immune systems.

Our children possess an innate defense system that enables them to process clean, nutritious foods. From there, the intricate network of their digestive system, guided by the nervous system, discerns what is beneficial and eliminates what is not. Think of your child's digestive motility as the plumbing 🚽 of their bodyβ€”a vital mechanism that ensures smooth flow and proper functioning.

Let me give you a real-life example, let's talk poop! πŸ’© What do you think would happen if your child left some poop behind every time they used the bathroom, while the remaining waste lingered for extended periodsβ€”hours, days, or even weeks ⏰. Clearly, this scenario would be far from desirable. That's precisely why understanding the role of proper elimination is crucial.

Similarly, the respiratory and immune systems operate on the same principle. They are designed to take in oxygen and employ the lymphatics and body's internal ventilation system to expel waste effectively. Any invading bacteria, viruses, or harmful elements are promptly eradicated through the body's natural defense mechanisms, including coughing, sneezing, and even fever πŸŒ¬οΈπŸ€§πŸŒ‘οΈβ€”inherently embedded within your child's body from the start.

Just like the digestive system, maintaining a state of movement is key to fostering good health in our kids naturally. However, if things become stagnant or disrupted, the body's balance can be compromised, if things get stuck and subluxated their system can get "backed up" or get sick.

This can be most illustrated by ear infections. Recurrent ear πŸ‘‚ infections may be common in kids and infants, but they are not normal. As long as the nervous system, the body's plumbing system, and the HVAC are keeping things flowing, moving, and working the way they should, the viruses and bad bacteria are less likely to set up shop and wreak havoc on the system. By appreciating and nurturing the interconnected movement within their body, we can lay the foundation for vibrant health in our children.

3. Minimize Toxic Load

In the realm of raising healthy kids naturally, one aspect deserves our attention, albeit often overlooked: cleanliness. While the concept doesn't always equate to organic choices, it frequently should. The truth is, kids and chemicals simply don't mix well. 🧼❌

While it's true that our modern diet tends to be inundated with excessive amounts of sugar 🍭, dairy, and grainsβ€”culprits that can wreak havoc on a child's well-beingβ€”the true troublemakers lie in the realm of chemicals πŸ§ͺ, additives, preservatives, and the countless unpronounceable ingredients lurking on the labels of grocery items. Even your high school chemistry teacher would struggle to identify them all!

The reason these substances pose such a significant threat to our children's health is their disruptive impact on the nervous systemβ€”the same system we explored in step one. They not only trigger inflammatory responses within the body but also activate the sympathetic fight-or-flight πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ aspect of the nervous system.

Consequently, this activated system inhibits respiratory and gut motility, alters immune system functioning, and creates a Perfect Storm β›ˆοΈ our kids faceβ€”an unfortunate combination of birth trauma and an excessive influx of toxins from our diet and environment. πŸ’”

4. You need QUALITY Sleep!

How do you feel when you haven't slept well? 😴 It's a common experience: whenever you have a night of poor sleep, not only do you feel tired, but your energy levels plummet ⬇️, affecting your ability to be active and move πŸšΆβ€β™‚οΈπŸ‹οΈβ€β™€οΈ(which the preceding steps depend on), make healthy food choices, and even impacting your mood πŸ˜”, leading to irritability 😑, frustration 😫, emotional upheaval 😭, brain fog 🧠🌫️, and forgetfulness πŸ€” throughout the day. It's evident that in order for our children to develop robust health and strength πŸ’ͺ, they must be able to engage in these essential activities every single day.

Recognizing that a good night's sleep πŸŒ™ forms the cornerstone of a healthy, energetic, and active day, this foundation is especially critical for our littlest infants πŸ‘Ά right through their teenage years πŸ§’πŸ‘§πŸ‘¦. Prioritizing sleep from the earliest stages of life is paramount to ensure their overall well-being and vitality. πŸ’€πŸ’ͺ

5. Embrace the Poo-tential!

Many of the cases we have encountered at our office involving Autism, ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Seizures, Anxiety, Asthma, and Allergies share a common thread: constipation in their health history, be it current or past. πŸ’©

Why is this issue of utmost importance? Simply put, it holds significant implications for overall well-being. One of the key indicators of your child's health lies in the regularity of their bowel movements. If you find yourself relying on natural 🌱 remedies like prune juice, probiotics, or magnesium, or resorting to medical interventions such as Miralax or suppositories πŸ’Š to facilitate proper bowel movements, it is crucial to understand that these interventions do not address the root cause.

This is intrinsically intertwined with the preceding four steps. If the nervous system remains stressed and subluxated, hindering proper functioning, and if the diet consists of toxic and unhealthy foods πŸŒ½πŸ”, it is inevitable that the digestive system will suffer, leading to undesirable outcomes. 😟

Unveiling the intricate gut connection illuminates an essential aspect of childhood health that cannot be ignored. By addressing the foundation of the preceding steps and embracing a holistic approach, we can positively impact the health and well-being of our children. 🌟

6. Nurture Resilient Immunity

 Let’s be honest, even if you consistently follow those first five steps for your child, there will still be occasions when they experience "sickness." Now, the way you perceive and approach these situations will shape your response.

The conventional medical system has ingrained in us the belief that if our child has a fever, runny nose, or cough, something is fundamentally wrong and requires a pharmaceutical solution. However, this perspective, passed down through generations, starkly contrasts with how things were for thousands of years before. So, what should you do instead? That's likely one of the primary reasons you're reading this guide. Allow me to present a prioritized list of action steps we take with our families when their immune systems are diligently working and fulfilling their role (previously referred to as "getting sick"):

1️⃣ Let them rest: Allowing ample rest ensures their bodies have the energy and reserves necessary to support the immune system. πŸ’€

2️⃣ Get neurologically-centered care: Seek chiropractic adjustments to promote the optimal functioning of the neuro-immune system and facilitate proper movement within the body. 🧠πŸ’ͺ

3️⃣ Supportive nutrition and hydration: Provide nourishing foods and maintain adequate hydration to bolster the immune system and aid in recovery. πŸ₯¦πŸŽπŸ’§

By embracing these holistic approaches, we can empower our children with resilient immune systems and a natural healing process. Remember, illness is not always a sign of something broken but rather an opportunity for the body to restore and strengthen itself. Let's shift our perspective and nurture our kids' well-being in a way that aligns with our innate wisdom and the timeless principles of health. πŸ’šπŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦πŸŒΏ

7. Mastering How to Raise Healthy Kids Naturally

And finally, we arrive at the last crucial step, which involves a continuous repetition of steps one through six. Each night, we prioritize bedtime and quality sleep, ensuring our bodies receive the restorative rest they need. πŸ’€ Every day, we nourish ourselves with clean and wholesome foods, supplementing with essential vitamins and minerals. πŸ₯¦πŸŽ We stay active, keeping screen time and TV consumption to a minimum, while striving to adhere to these steps to the best of our abilities. πŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸ“Ί

On top of these efforts, we receive nervous system focused chiropractic adjustments one to two times a week, maintaining the health and vitality of our foundational brain and nervous system. 🌟 And when faced with a resilience-building challenge or extreme stress, we double or even triple our commitment to stay healthy and balanced. We prioritize additional rest, increase our supplement intake, and receive extra adjustments to support our well-being. 🌱πŸ’ͺ

For us, the journey of Raising Healthy Kids Naturally is not complex. However, it's not without its challenges. It requires a significant shift in perspective from the traditional medical approach and demands consistent, dedicated action. But as parents, we possess the incredible strength, unwavering commitment, and resilience necessary to conquer these steps like true champions. πŸ’ͺπŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ And remember, our Empower team will always be here to support and guide you along the way. Together, let's thrive and embrace the joy of raising healthy, vibrant children naturally! 🌈🌟


What is subluxation?


This One’s For You, New Mama