Our new practice members often have questions about general chiropractic care as well as questions about insurance and cost. Below are a few of our most frequently asked questions. If you don’t see your question, don’t worry; simply call or email us your questions.

Is Chiropractic care right for me?

Regular chiropractic care is designed to keep your body connected to its inherent ability to self-heal and regulate. The entire body is interconnected and communicates through your nervous system.  When functioning the way it is meant to, the brain and body communicate to control every physiological process in a living person, from gut health to sleep and immunity. For optimal well-being, it is very important to keep your neuro-spinal system clear, open, and freely adaptive. Focusing on function versus feeling, chiropractic care can help with anything from discomfort to enhancing your human performance and overall quality of life.

Is it safe to get adjusted while pregnant?

Not only is it safe, but we highly encourage it! We believe everyone who is pregnant should have a chiropractor on their birth team. Chiropractic care can lead to shorter and easier labor times, and a more comfortable pregnancy, and it helps make more room for the baby to grow and move about as they please. Chiropractic care can also help alleviate common complaints during pregnancy like low back pain, sciatica, and round ligament pain. The body is constantly changing and adapting throughout pregnancy and through chiropractic care, we make sure that your body is functioning at its highest to be able to adapt to those changes.

How much will it cost and how many visits will it take?

Every case and situation is different. We will not know how much your investment will be until we are able to evaluate you and determine what kind of care you need.

Do you only see pregnant women and children?

Absolutely not! We love to see the ENTIRE family! At Empower Chiropractic, we have extensive training in pediatrics and prenatal care, which sets us apart from other offices. However, we highly encourage people of all ages and from all walks of life to come in and get checked.

Do I have to come forever once I start seeing a chiropractor?

Our practice members typically choose to stay under care to elevate their health and maintain their wellness because of the way they feel and function after their office visits. Our office understands the need for a free-flowing neuro-spinal system that allows optimal communication and connection. While we look forward to serving you and your family throughout life, the decision to continue care is always yours!

Why should I get my child checked by a chiropractor?

Many of our practice members choose to have their babies checked at birth. Chiropractic care for children is generally used as wellness and preventative care because our parents know it is important for their kids to be healthy from the very beginning. Pediatric care is safe, effective, and gentle. We adjust littles and babies very differently than adults. There will never be any twisting or popping. We use a method that uses an instrument (activator) or fingertip pressure, the same pressure to check to see if a tomato or peach is ripe. Often times, if a baby is sleeping they will continue to sleep throughout the adjustment because the adjustment technique is so gentle. The best time for a child to receive their first adjustment is at birth and the second best time is now!

Do you take insurance?

We do not work directly with any insurance providers for many reasons. Our practice focuses on meeting your individual healthcare goals and we do not want to let insurance dictate your health and well-being. This not only allows our practice members to get more out of their care, but often we find that our prices are significantly less than what you would typically pay with insurance.
By eliminating the insurance billing process, we are able to offer affordable pricing to our practice members. We offer several cash-based care plans that utilize the incredible benefits of individual and family savings plans. No matter what the situation is, we work hard to make care affordable for our practice members.
We perform a complimentary benefits check for everyone in case you have out-of-network benefits. You will also have the option to submit to your insurance on your own to be reimbursed for services.
For your convenience, we accept a variety of payment methods, including cash, credit cards, Flexible Spending Account (FSA) cards, and Health Savings Accounts (HSA) cards.

Do you accept auto insurance/personal injury claim patients?

Absolutely! If you were in a car accident, you have 14 days from the date of injury to get checked out by any healthcare provider. All we need from you is your claim number, some details about your accident/injuries, and a signed LOP to proceed. New patient paperwork for an auto injury can be filled out in our office. We would love to help you get back on the road to recovery.