There are a number of reasons moms come in while they are pregnant. It is vital to have a balanced pelvis throughout the pregnancy and laboring process.

Making sure your body is balanced will cause the muscles and ligaments to relax so the baby can get into the optimal position for birth. If the pelvis is not balanced, it can make the birthing process more difficult.

Chiropractic has been shown help moms and their babies reach an optimal head-down position before birth.

Dr. Ashley is Webster certified, a technique specifically designed to benefit expecting mothers. Empower Chiropractic of Orlando, Florida can help you adapt to the changes in mobility, aches, and pains as you grow.

During pregnancy, we will be there to care for you as your baby grows and develops.

  • Balances the pelvis for optimal alignment throughout pregnancy into labor & delivery

  • Allows for optimal growth and function for the baby

  • Provides greater comfort while growing your little one

Getting your spine and nervous system checked and adjusted regularly often leads to:

  • Shorter  labor times

  • Reduces neck, back, rib, hip, pelvic pain, and headaches

  • Improved energy levels

  • Supports natural labor and delivery

Empowered Pregnancy

Not pregnant yet but trying?!

Perfect, we can help make sure your body is in the best state to receive this perfect gift. At our Orlando, FL office, we believe every birth/pregnancy is different and should be treated as a unique journey. Growing a tiny human is work and caring for your baby the same way you care for yourself is important. The body is dynamic and forever changing, this is especially true when someone becomes pregnant. We can support your body with chiropractic care from conception through to your postpartum phase. No matter where you are on this journey, having a nervous system that has clear communication pathways and is connected will create the optimal environment for the healthy and comfortable pregnancy that you desire. 

What Mama’s-to-be have to say about our care

I was recommended by my midwife to see Dr. Ashley a few months ago! I'm now in my 3rd trimester and although the drive is long, it’s worth it. She and her team have created a friendly, comfortable yet professional environment! I find her to be extremely resourceful and the adjustments are helping me. Add Dr. Ashley to your birth team!

— Marissa M.

Dr. Ashley is amazing! I have just started going to see her in my 2nd trimester and have already had improvements and great results! I am excited to continue on with her throughout and after my pregnancy!

— Lasandra S.

Dr. Ashley is amazing. She is very friendly and warm, and extremely knowledgeable. I am currently 36 weeks pregnant and have been going to her for the past two weeks, and I already feel a difference. My back pain has significantly decreased with her adjustments using Webster's technique for pregnancy. Highly recommend!

— Liana T.

Get Relief from common pregnancy pains at Empower Chiropractic